Check Out The New The Sound Of Indie YouTube Channel
As regular readers of TSOI have noticed, there haven't been any updates to this site in quite some time, but thanks to a handful of Hi-8 tapes that were sitting around for 7 years, The Sound Of Indie now has a YouTube channel!

The Monday Set: Peter Murphy – Los Angeles – 3/14/11
Earlier this year I caught Peter Murphy at the Mayan here in Los Angeles. It was the first time I had ever been to that venue. It was also the first time I had ever caught Peter Murphy solo. As a long time Bauhaus et al. fan, it was never in the cards for me to see him solo before (More...)

The Monday Set: Bear In Heaven – Katowice – 8/8/10
I was a day behind in getting this "Monday Set" posted, but hopefully it was worth the wait. Here's a fantastic live Bear In Heaven recording that I traded for last year. It was the first date of their fall/winter tour which spanned nearly four months (More...)

The Monday Set: Bauhaus – Wiesbaden – 11/28/81
For 30 plus (yeah 30!) years, Peter Murphy has been one of the most captivating front-men in show business. I recently took my wife to her first Peter Murphy concert and even though she knew next to nothing about his solo work short of "Marlene Dietrich's Favorite Poem" she walked away even more captivated by the performance than I did (more...)

Burning Hearts – Into The Wilderness
Burning Hearts put out one of my favorite records in 2009 and they are finally back with a brand new EP out on Shelflife Records. The 4 song EP is a little more mellow than their previous record, but the Finnish duo manage to squeeze in one rocker at the end (more...)

The Monday Set: Joy Division – Leeds – 9/8/79
TSOI is finally back! And to correspond with Peter Hook's new release today we're posting a vintage Joy Division show to hopefully cleanse the palate. This audience recording was originally released as the bootleg "All God's Angels Beware" which combined this show with the July 27th, 1979 Blackpool gig (more...)

TSOI On 3 Week Hiatus*
The Sound Of Indie will be on a short 3 week hiatus*. Instead of giving you your fix of the best in live and rare indie music, 25% of the site will be traipsing around Eastern Europe trying to "Find Ourselves". If any readers are in Vienna, Prague or Salzberg, hit us up in the comments with must see suggestions on concerts or museums (more...)

The Monday Set: Raphael Saadiq – Los Angeles – 3/23/11
I heard about a special Raphael Saadiq “American Express Card Holders Only” BS show that was going on at the Grammy Museum the day tickets were going on sale. Trying my luck, I busted out my corporate card (the only AmEx I have) and prayed to the Ticketmaster gods I would be one of the chose ones. As luck, and a $19 service fee would have it, I got through (More...)

The Monday Set: Air Miami – San Francisco – 10/11/94
Here's one of the better live Air Miami recordings I've come across. It was recorded in San Francisco during the '94 Teen Beat Circus tour which also featured a special one-off performance by Cath Carroll (More...)

The Stone Roses: Here It Comes (Live Video)
First off I have to get this out of the way. I cannot believe this was recorded nearly 30 years ago. Though their debut album which rocketed them into fame didn't come out for another 4 years after this was recorded, the track sounds really polished and close to it's final form (More...)
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