The Monday Set: Bear In Heaven – Katowice – 8/8/10

Bear In Heaven
Off Festival
Katowice, Poland

I was a day behind in getting this “Monday Set” posted, but hopefully it was worth the wait. Here’s a fantastic live Bear In Heaven recording that I traded for last year. It was the first date of their fall/winter tour which spanned nearly four months. They’ve played a handful of dates here and there since that tour, but none near Los Angeles. Here’s hoping the lack of tour dates is due to a forthcoming album.

1. Beast In Peace
2. Ultimate Satisfaction
3. Wholehearted Mess
4. Fake Out
5. Dust Cloud
6. Lovesick Teenagers
7. Deafening Love
8. Drug A Wheel
9. You Do You
10. Casual Goodbye
11. Lovesick (Lindstrom & Christabelle Cover)

Download: Bear In Heaven – Katowice – 8/8/10 – 297 MB

Sample: You Do You (Live)
[jwplayer config=”CustomPlayerAudio” file=”″]

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