[jwplayer config=”CustomPlayer” file=”http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2011/20110311/The-Stone-Roses-Here-It-Comes.f4v” plugins=”/jwPlayer/viral.swf” viral.title = “The Stone Roses: Here It Comes” viral.date=”3-11-11″ viral.description=”First off I have to get this out of the way. I cannot believe this was recorded nearly 30 years ago. Though their debut album which rocketed them into fame didn’t come out for another 4 years after this was recorded” viral.author=”The Sound Of Indie” viral.functions=”share, embed, info”]
Here It Comes
The Hacienda
Manchester, UK
First off I have to get this out of the way. I cannot believe this was recorded nearly 30 years ago. Though their debut album which rocketed them into fame didn’t come out for another 4 years after this was recorded, the track sounds really polished and close to it’s final form.
Download: The Stone Roses: Here It Comes (Live Video)