Backstage, Capitol Theater
Olympia, WA

This Unwound set was recorded nearly 15 years ago to the day. One thing to note about this recording is that there’s a couple of tracks from “Repetition” tracks played live. That record wasn’t released for nearly a year after this date, so it very could have been their “debut.” It’s not the best recording, but it’s a great track selection.


1. Intro
2. All Souls Day
3. Dragnalus
4. Equally Stupid
5. Petals Like Bricks
6. What Was Wound
7. Re-Enact The Crime
8. Disappoint
9. Devoid
10. Next Exit
11. Kantina

Sample: [audio: http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2010/20100503/Unwound-Kantina.mp3|titles=Kantina (Live)|artists=Unwound]

Download: Unwound – Olympia – 5/4/95 – 283 MB


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