Morrissey – Every Day Is Like Sunday (Live Video)
I generally don't think of the words "Morrissey" and "banjo" in the same sentence, but that all changed when I saw this clip. I didn't see him on the tour for You Are the Quarry, so I don't know if it was commonplace for him to perform with, or sans, banjo (More...)

Morrissey – Crashing Bores (Live)
Morrissey surprised the good people of New York by announcing three back-to-back New York City shows – all...

Morrissey – Sing Your Life (Live Video)
[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2008/20080516/Morrissey-SingYourLife.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2008/20080516/20080516.jpg 426 320] Morrissey – Sing Your Life Jones Beach Amplitheater Wantaugh, NY 7/10/91 A very mediocre...

Morrissey – Suedehead (Live Video)
[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070308/Morrissey-Suedehead.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070308/20070308.jpg 426 320] Morrissey – Suedehead Saturday Night Live 11/14/92 Gold shirt, big belt buckle, fashionable jeans....

Morrissey – Hairdresser On Fire (Vini Reilly Mix)
I got this song as part of a Viva Hate Demos outtakes disk that I traded for a...
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