In the past couple of months there has been an outbreak of schools selling, or attempting to sell, their college radio broadcast license. The University of San Francisco recently sold their KUSF license and Vanderbilt University's WRVU is currently on the chopping block. It's a continuing trend which absolutely must stop (More...)

The Monday Set: Magic Bullets – Los Angeles – 2/19/11
On a last minute whim we decided to check out San Francisco's Magic Bullets' instore performance at Origami Vinyl a couple of weekends ago. I wasn't that familiar with the band and had only heard a few tracks streamed from MySpace, but since it was a free show we had nothing to lose (More...)

Rammstein: Feuer Frei, Haifisch (Live)
Rammstein sold out Madison Square Garden. In 15 minutes. I still find it hard to believe that this actually happened. I suppose it is a testament to the law of “supply and demand” being that it was Rammstein’s 1st U.S. show in 10 years. But still, this is Rammstein we’re talking about (More...)

Oh Land: Sun Of A Gun (Live)
There's been a ton of hype surrounding Oh Land this past month and I have to admit that I've gotten caught up in it. Earlier this month we headed over to The Echo in Los Angeles to check out an early evening show the day after their LA debut (More...)

Jello Biafra: Bleed for Me, New Feudalism, Holiday In Cambodia (Live)
This was one of the more interesting shows I’ve been to. It was billed as a “benefit for the UXO” featuring Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine, taking place on the “Rocks Off Concert Series” on a cruise around the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor (More...)

Yuck: Operation (Live)
It seems to me that most bands with terrible names tend to live up to them. Yuck, however, is the exception to the rule. They played on Saturday, opening for Smith Westerns -- and blew the headliners out of the water (More...)

PJ Harvey: Sweeter Than Anything
In honor of the release of PJ Harvey's latest genre-defying release, Let England Shake, I felt like it would be fun to post an obscure track that's one of my all-time favorites: "Sweeter than Anything," off the single A Perfect Day Elise (More...)

Peter Hook: Atmosphere (Live)
Joy Division's eponymous debut album, Unknown Pleasures, came out in 1980 and therefore Peter Hook, bass player and I am beginning to assume primary song writer, decided to throw a 30 year anniversary tour to commemorate the album (More...)

The Radio Dept: Lost and Found (Live)
Radio Dept is a cornerstone band off of the fantastic Swedish label, Labrador. In 2010, Radio Dept put out a very well received dream pop/shoe-gaze-ish album in Clinging to a Scheme (More...)

Chairlift: Take It Out On Me (Live)
Chairlift is a Colorado sourced outfit that relocated to Brooklyn several years ago. As has been noted here a time or two, any Male/Female vocal pairing, ala Human League, is almost always a good idea particularly with a synth-pop new wave type sound as Chairlift has, but is one that is effectively exploited. (More...)
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