The Monday Set: KARP – Providence – 11/13/94

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
Providence, RI

The “KARP Lives” documentary should be coming out sometime this year (I’m hoping), but in the meantime, here’s a little live KARP to hold you over. They played in my basement in Minneapolis on this same tour and blew everyone away, obviously. This is not the best live KARP recording I’ve heard, but it has a stellar track selection of some of their early and best songs.

Track listing:
1. Absolutely Fibulous
2. Get No Toys (When You Spend the Money)
3. 13 Ways To A Cavity
4. I’d Rather Be Clogging
5. Baby Bear’s Porridge
6. Valley Of The Kings
7. Treats To The Soul
8. Get Your Hands Off My Cake

Download: KARP – Providence – 11/13/94 – 288 MB

Sample: I’d Rather Be Clogging
[jwplayer config=”CustomPlayerAudio” file=”″]

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