The Monday Set: Blonde Redhead – Montreal – 10/23/04

Blonde Redhead
Club Soda
Montreal, Canada

Here’s a nice recording from Canada during Blonde Redhead’s “Misery Is a Butterfly” tour back in 2004. I saw them a couple of times on this tour and I was still amazed how their songs from early records still give me goosebumps when they play them live.

1. Falling Man
2. Futurism vs. Passeism Pt. II
3. Pink Love
4. In Particular
5. Melody of Certain Three
6. Misery is a Butterfly
7. Doll is Mine
8. Elephant Women
9. Messenger
10. Equus
11. Water
12. Anticipation
13. In Expression of the Innexpressible
14. Melody
15. Magic Mountain

Sample: [audio:|titles=In Particular (Live)|artists=Blonde Redhead]

Download: Blonde Redhead – Montreal – 10/23/04 – 506 MB

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