The Monday Set: Portraits Of Past – Pomona, CA – 5/9/09

Portraits Of Past
The Glasshouse
Pomona, CA

As promised, here is Portrait Of Past’s set from their Glasshouse gig last month. I don’t have the Portraits Of Past discography (I think I have most of the tracks on vinyl) so no idea on the setlist. If you’re a fan and can ID the songs, let me know.

1. KQED Equals Volvo
2. Bang Yer Head
3. Unknown Track (New Song)
4. The Control Freak
5. Implications of a Sinkhole Personality
6. Something Less Than Intended

Update: Thanks goes out to Ian for the set list.

Sample: [audio:|titles=Unknown Track (Live)|artists=Portraits of Past]

Download: Portraits Of Past – Pomona, CA – 5/9/09 – 151 MB

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