Cat’s Cradle
Carrboro, NC
I was surprised to find this tacked on the end The Wedding Present set I posted last week. Unfortunately, I’m not sure if this is the entire set since the last track is cut, but it’s still a fantastic soundboard recording of Helium which predates The Dirt of Luck. No idea on the setlist except for Skeleton but I’m sure a super-fan can provide that for me. Yeah, I’m looking at you Bradley’s Almanac.
Set List:
1) Skeleton
2) XXX
3) Silver Angel
4) Superball
5) Baby’s Going Underground
6) All the X’s Have Wings
7) Pat’s Trick
8) Trixie’s Star (cut)
[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2008/20080602/Helium-Skeleton.mp3|titles=Skeleton (Live)|artists=Helium]
Skeleton (Live)
Download: Helium – Carrboro, NC – 12/16/94 – 168 MB
So this is months and months late, but I was listening to this today and pieced together the set list. In case anybody is still interested, or for posterity, it seems to be this:
1) Skeleton
2) XXX
3) Silver Angel
4) Superball
5) Baby’s Going Underground
6) All the X’s Have Wings
7) Pat’s Trick
8) Trixie’s Star (cut)
thanks as always (belatedly).
Flac? ugh.