[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070905/Resin-TheKingWhoLovedToEatBibles.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070905/20070905.jpg 426 320]
Resin – The King Who Loved To Eat Bibles
Bucket O’ Blood
Rapid City, SD
I remember putting on a show on Halloween night years ago. I went dressed up as Ray Cappo, which entailed a Shelter shirt, a bald cap w/the little piece of hair out of the back, Krishna beads, shorts and tennis shoes. The highlight of the evening was me singing “In Defense Of Reality” with Resin backing me up. Basically it was me screaming the chorus over and over and them playing one of their songs in the background.
Download: Resin – The King Who Loved To Eat Bibles (Live Video)