[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2006/20060322/TheCreatures-PlutoDrive.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2006/20060322/20060322.jpg 426 320]
The Creatures – Pluto Drive
Jonathon Ross Show
It was always difficult to find European performances that people had converted from PAL to NTSC video tape. Now I just have a DVD player that’s all region, so it’s no longer a problem, but when I got this video quite a few years ago of The Creatures from BBC, I was thrilled. This is a great performance of Pluto Drive.
Download: The Creatures – Pluto Drive (Live Video)
Hey, thanks for posting this; know where I can download this? Even paying it – tried ichoones and no luck – boomerang just not available – thanks.
Erv London UK