The Monday Set: LCD Soundsystem – New York – 3/28/11
So this was the opening night of the much-hyped "farewell" concert series for LCD Soundsystem. After the villainous triple threat of corporate America, scalpers, and free market capitalism hijacked the ticket sale for the Madison Square Garden show, snatching up all the tickets (more...)

Klaxons: Two Recievers, Magick and 2 More Tracks (Live)
If there was some kind of an official award for the "Most Amusing Album Cover" given out each year, Klaxons' 2010 entry, "Surfing the Void", would make a strong contender. The cover isn't particularly funny, it's just that it's, well, amusing (more...)

Killing Joke: Love Like Blood, Ghosts of Ladbroke Grove, Change (Live)
Normally, I hate when an old school band plays a show and subjects us to every track on their new (usually not so good) album. Strangely enough, the opposite was the case with this Killing Joke show. In 2010, Killing Joke released their first album by the original line-up since 1982′s Revelations (more...)

Robyn: Be Mine, Indestructible, Konichiwa Bitches (Live)
Up until quite recently, I vaguely remembered Robyn from hearing her song "Show Me Love" some time ago and passing it off as another forgettable song by one of the many interchangeable female pop stars that have dominated the pop culture landscape since the dawn of the music video (More...)

Rammstein: Feuer Frei, Haifisch (Live)
Rammstein sold out Madison Square Garden. In 15 minutes. I still find it hard to believe that this actually happened. I suppose it is a testament to the law of “supply and demand” being that it was Rammstein’s 1st U.S. show in 10 years. But still, this is Rammstein we’re talking about (More...)

Jello Biafra: Bleed for Me, New Feudalism, Holiday In Cambodia (Live)
This was one of the more interesting shows I’ve been to. It was billed as a “benefit for the UXO” featuring Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine, taking place on the “Rocks Off Concert Series” on a cruise around the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor (More...)

The Monday Set: Scissor Sisters – New York City – 8/25/10
Scissor Sisters recently returned from a minor hiatus with a new album call "Night Work". Apparently the album was created after the band scrapped 18 months of songwriting for the follow up to 2006's "Ta-Dah". I'm not sure what the album was originally supposed to sound like, but I have to say I'm pretty sure that the wait was worth it. (More...)

The Futureheads: Struck Dumb, Jupiter (Live)
Some people will go "Woooo!" to anything at a concert. No matter what show I'm at, there's always a portion of the crowd who came there seemingly just for the chance to yell "Woooo!" at every opportunity . I don't even think they know or care who's playing. Case in point is this here Futureheads' concert I attended last summer. (More...)

My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult: Disko Fleshpot/Kooler Than Jesus (Live)
During my high school years in Jersey, I was enamored with just about every artist on the Wax Trax! roster. For those who don't know, Wax Trax! was a legendary Chicago-based "industrial music" label that consistently put out quality releases throughout the late 80s - mid 90s (More...)

Cut Copy: Hearts on Fire, Blink and You’ll Miss the Revolution (Live)
For those who aren't familiar with Cut Copy, you probably should be. While the "electro/new wave/synth-pop" formula has been done over and over again to the point of death, then done some more, Cut Copy manages to do it better than just about everyone else in the business (More...)
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