[flv:http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2009/20090909/Spitboy.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2009/20090909/20090909.jpg 426 320]

Spitboy – In Your Face
Cabbage Collective
Philadelphia, PA

This was part of the “Sweet Baby, Yeah” video comp. that came out in the mid-90’s. I’ve never seen a copy of this show anywhere else, so I’m guessing it might be the only footage floating around like a lot of the other videos from this comp. No idea on the track since I wasn’t a big Spitboy fan, so if you know it, it would be great if you could ID it in the comments.

UPDATE: Thanks to J. Ratigan for IDing the song

Download: Spitboy – In Your Face (Live Video)


  1. “In Your Face”
    I am STILL a big Spitboy fan.
    I see someone holding the lyric sheet in the vid. I remember when they first played at Roman’s they handed out lyric sheets cause they wanted the lyrics to be understood. Then while playing, someone yelled, “Play some Go-Go’s!” Yeah, they didn’t take kindly to that…

  2. I thought this show was from that same tour. I remember when they came through again the singer had a spiderweb tattoo on her elbow. But I couldn’t remember if she had the tattoo for the Romans show, or if it was the Surbeck show. Or if I’m just making all that up.

  3. I’ve always hoped I would run into Eric somewhere here in Los Angeles. It hasn’t happened, but I’m hoping that he still has all of his old tapes. He recorded some great shows…

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