[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2009/20090225/Slant6-WhatKindOfMonsterAreYou.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2009/20090225/20090225.jpg 426 320]

Slant 6 – What Kind Of Monster Are You?
Fireside Bowl
Chicago, IL

Unfortunately my head is prominently featured in the bottom left of this entire clip. My roommate and I saw the listing for Slant 6 and Prozac Memory at Fireside Bowl. Being big fans of both bands there was no way we were going to miss it, so we hopped in the car around noon and drove 6 1/2 hours from Minneapolis to Chicago for this show. Prozac Memory canceled, but they were replaced on the bill with The Make*Up. This was the first of many times seeing The Make*Up (the only time without Michelle) and my last time seeing Slant 6. Car vs. Driver and I believe Cap’n Jazz rounded out the bill. Around midnight after the show was done, we hopped back in the car and drove another 6 1/2 hours home. We got home about sunrise and I remember that the Evergreen LP and Clikatat demo being played insanely loud was the only thing that kept us awake during the long drive home.

Download: Slant 6 – What Kind Of Monster Are You? (Live Video)


  1. Car vs. Driver played first, Cap’n Jazz second, Make-Up third and Slant 6 fourth. This was my favorite time seeing all of these bands (not counting CVD as I was behind a drumset at the time). I always thought the Make Up should have stayed a 3-piece. They were so amazing that night! There is footage from their set and Cap’n Jazz’s set from that night on You Tube – check it out. I don’t know why I didn’t record Slant 6’s entire set, we were so stingy with video tape back then!

  2. I actually think we were hanging out outside the Fireside Bowl with you guys since we got there so early. The wouldn’t let us in since it was only 5:30 or so…

  3. They played a basement show in Fargo, ND on that tour. I was there!

    On a side note this local all-girl punk band named Bombshell played. They had more than a few riot grrl critics who felt their lyrics didn’t attack the male patriarchy system enough. Of course those critics have settled into mediocre domestic lives, so the jokes on them!

  4. Funny, I never heard of Bombshell. I would have figured they would have made the trek down to Minneapolis to play. Most Fargo bands did.

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