[flv:http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070627/CCH-SorryYerBandSux.flv http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2007/20070627/20070627.jpg 426 320]
Cold Cold Hearts – Sorry Yer Band Sux
Black Cat
Washington, D.C.
I was always too busy obsessing over Slant 6 to pay any attention to most of the other girl bands, so after they broke up I had fill the void. Excuse 17/Sleater-Kinney came close, and Emily’s Sassy Lime were really great, but I think my favorite ended up being Cold Cold Hearts. But I’m not really sure what the deal is with the jacket Allison is wearing. It kind of looks like she skinned a muppet and made a vest out of it.
Download: Cold Cold Hearts – Sorry Yer Band Sux (Live Video)
At the Team Dresch show the other night they were trying to remember the last time they played the Black Cat. “I think we were here with Slant 6 and Bikini Kill. …No – I think it was that time with Cold Cold Hearts and Bratmobile….Maybe it was with Sleater Kinney…”
sigh… I can’t believe I lived here and missed all those shows.
Have you checked out Partyline – Alison’s current band? They’re tons of fun.