What really stands out about Gus Gus is that you could tell their live show was as much about the visuals as it was about the music. When they came to the states on the “Polydistortion” tour I saw their show at First Avenue in Minneapolis and it was amazing. They were the first band that I saw that had people mixing video live along with the music. Now it can be done with a $800 iMac, but back then it was an amazing task. This track was recorded in 1997 at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark. One thing that I’ve always wanted to find was the original version of this song that couldn’t be released due to Steve Wonder refusing to grant clearance for samples.
[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2006/20060220/GusGus-Polyesterday.mp3|titles=Polyesterday (Live)|artists=Gus Gus]
Download: Gus Gus – Polyesterday (Live)
haha, i recorded that file off swedish radio years and years ago! that’s real funny, to stumble across it now.