Chelsea’s Cafe
Baton Rouge, LA
New Orleans’ own Generationals closed out a tour in support of their Trust EP (featured just a short time ago right here on TSOI) at Chelsea’s Cafe. Chelsea’s has a warm spot in the hearts of those-in-the-know in Baton Rouge, and it is just starting to put on more indie shows again following a period of bizarre persecution by the state’s Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control (and particularly by the ATC’s commissioner, Murphy Painter — who has since resigned following a criminal investigation into his alleged stalking of a former employee, rather than just good restaurants). Back to Chelsea’s: it’s a small venue but the sound is dynamite — very little equalization was required to produce a solid-sounding recording. Here’s to more shows at Chelsea’s!
As for Generationals, they, too, occupy a warm spot in the hearts of south Louisiana hipsters for their roots in what was probably the most successful rock band to come out of the region since Better than Ezra: The Eames Era. That band started when Grant Widmer and Ted Joyner were students at LSU — so I left their banter about LSU and Baton Rouge during this show in the recording.
I have not been able to figure out the titles of three songs — I thought maybe they were Eames Era-era tunes, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. Any assistance appreciated!
Track listing:
1. Exterior Street Day
2. LSU banter
3. Faces in the Dark
4. Angry Charlie/Unknown track 1 (“We Are the Ones Who Take It Outside”)
5. Unknown track 2
6. Unknown track 3 (“The Dangers of Living Alone”)
7. Nobody Could Change Your Mind
8. When They Fight, They Fight
9. Moving to BR banter
10. Our Time 2 Shine
11. Carrying the Torch
12. Trust
Download: Generationals – Baton Rouge – 11/13/2010 – 193 MB
Sample: Trust
[jwplayer config=”CustomPlayerAudio” file=”http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2010/20101129/Generationals-Trust.mp3″]