Part 5 of 5 in the Teen Beat 26 Anniversary Showcase: The dramatic conclusion to Teen Beat Week here at TSOI!!

The flagship band of Teen Beat records, Unrest was the headliner to each of the six 26th Anniversary shows. Unrest’s first cassette came out in 1985 (!?!) but hit their stride in the early ’90s and whose sound can be heard in the indie-verse everywhere. I read somewhere that Unrest’s Imperial f.f.r.r (1992) provided a nice guitar/drum razor precision counter-point to the ramshackle guitar/musicianship of early ’90s slop guitar ala Pavement.

These days you can hear little aspiring Mark Robinson’s wrecking their pick-hands trying to out jangle the pro. Good luck with that.

Well I hope you liked Teen Beat Week as much as we did.

Download: Unrest – Cherry Cream On (Live)

[audio:|titles=Cherry Cream On (Live)|artists=Unrest]

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