Earlier this year Hot Chip released One Life Stand, their fourth album. I am a bit on the fence on this new one. The album is a bit on the somber side where their wheel-house, in my opinion, is the dance-floor anthems. As a minimum there are several great songs on it, in particular the title track. I suspect if I listen to it again I will warm up to it.
Being an idiot and neglecting to clear the disk, this recording of this show was interrupted by me running out of space. Ren and Stimpy voice: “You iiiiiddddiooooot!”
Anyway here is a live version of a song off of the new album that was inspired by Diana Ross’s similarly titled “I Feel Love”.
[audio: http://www.thesoundofindie.com/archive/2010/20100617/HC-WeHaveLove.mp3|titles=We Have Love (Live)|artists=Hot Chip]Download: Hot Chip – We Have Love (Live)