I see that Client are playing a couple of Mexican dates this month in Guadalajara and Mexico City. I’m actually not sure if they have ever played LA since I’ve been here, but I’ve been keeping an eye out for them for a while now. This song is a demo from “The Rotherham Sessions” which you can download in it’s entirety from their website. Most of the reviews I have read about Client unfairly compare them to Ladytron, but I think they have their own distinct sound. I’ll let you be the judge.
[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2006/20060612/Client-SixInTheMorning.mp3|titles=Six In The Morning (Demo) |artists=Client]
Download: Client – Six In The Morning (Demo)

One Comment

  1. Are you *sure* that wasn’t Ladytron?

    (My only basis for comparison is your two tracks so, ahem, perhaps I should be quiet.)

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