This song is from the Astronautical Music Festival 7″ which is a split with Henry’s Dress on Slumberland Records. The one time I saw Tiger Trap, I had never heard of them before the show. After seeing them I wanted to buy their record and 7″, but I didn’t have enough cash, so I ran home, got my piggy bank and ran back to the show. Their roadie and I sat on the sidewalk counting out $13 in change. Money well spent.
[audio:|titles=Alien Space Song|artists=Tiger Trap]

Download: Tiger Trap – Alien Space Song

One Comment

  1. Smiling… You must’ve wanted this one badly (I know that feeling). It’s a good recording. Apropos Slumberland: You wouldn’t have any of the early Rocketship singles? Hear rumours of a Rocketship comp, but none’s appeared so far – plus rumour is, it won’t contain any of their released non-album material (pity!). Their album is a standout in its genre, but everybody seems to have forgotten this fabulous act.

    Here’s another question (I’m almost emarassed to ask, but still): Do you have the Legendary Jim Ruiz bonus tracks on the Siesta edition of Sniff (“Bobby Stinson’s guitar” and “Something strange happens”)? If you don’t have that edition, let me know and I’ll send you these bonus tracks (though I’m thinking you probably have these songs already, but it’d be a pity not to ask, just in case…).

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