Daniel Higgs of Lungfish fame played a solo show at the Knitting Factory last week. I was considering posting a live recording of the solo performance, but he played one 35 minute song so, however awesome that performance is, I suppose it is not appropriate for the large ADD inflicted segment of the TSOI readership (although this track is 7 minutes). What I did realize, was that there is no Lungfish posts on TSOI. I intend to fix that travesty right stat.

This is from the last time I saw Lungfish in 2005 at South Paw in New York City, who started an hour early because an opening band canceled causing me to miss half the show. Boy was I PISSSSSED! Anywho, at half a show it was still among the best shows I have ever seen – and I mean ever. Lungfish always kicks ass but this show was a real doozy. Daniel Higgs, who looks like a tattooed Rasputin, while doing his vocals on one of the songs late in the set was perched on the edge of the stage when his eyes rolled up into his head and keeled off the edge into the crowd without warning–all while not missing his vocals. I am beginning to realize that Lungfish is safely ensconced in my pantheon of best all-time bands. Lungfish seldom play live but if they crawl out of Baltimore and head to your vicinity, do yourself a favor and make a concerted point to be there to welcome them. In the meantime, keep an eye out for Daniel Higgs.
[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2008/20080509/Lungfish-VulgarTheories.mp3|titles=Vulgar Theories (Live)|artists=Lungfish]
Download: Lungfish – Vulgar Theories (Live)


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