The Monday Set: Lush – Boston – 4/29/96

Boston, MA

I’ve finally gotten back around to digitizing some of my cassettes. The bulk of the stuff I have to convert is Lush shows, so here’s another one. This one is a pretty good show from the Lovelife tour. As a special treat, it’s Phil’s birthday.

1. Intro
2. Heavenly Nobodies
3. The Childcatcher
4. Lovelife
5. 500
6. Single Girl
7. Kiss Chase
8. De-Luxe
9. Light From A Dead Star
10. Undertow
11. Hypocrite
12. Runaway
13. For Love
14. Sweetness And Light
15. Last Night
16. Happy Birthday
17. Lady Killers
18. Demystification

Sample: [audio:|titles=Demystification (Live)|artists=Lush]

Download: Lush – Boston – 4/29/96 – 297 MB

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