I’ve had this track sitting on my desktop at work for a couple of months ago and I’m finally getting around to posting it. Even though Ruby Isle didn’t make my top 10 records last year, their “Night Shot” record got many rotations in the ol’ CD player in my car. When comparing this track to a lot of the other electrohouse remixes I’ve heard lately, you can really tell the difference between someone who knows what they are doing and someone who just picked up a copy of Ableton Live and threw a remix together. Ruby Isle knows what they’re doing and this goes down as one of the more polished remixes I’ve heard.

[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2009/20090129/CutCopy-FarawayRubyIsleRemix.mp3|titles=Faraway Ruby Isle Remix|artists=Cut Copy]

Download: Cut Copy – Faraway (Ruby Isle Remix)

One Comment

  1. Cut Copy and Ruby Isle together?!?
    Better than Chocolate and Peanut Butter.

    Hey Cutters, if you are out there, why don’t you include Ruby Isle on your tour along with Matt and Kim? That would be insanely awesome.

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