Long-time readers of TSOI, Portland’s Point Juncture, WA just e-mailed me to let me know that they have a new record coming out later this month called Heart to Elk. They were the first band to send me a promo cd when this site started, making it a “legitimate venture.” The few tracks I’ve heard from the new record seem to expand on the boy/girl pop sound by adding some amazing production work and layers and layers of instruments. I’m looking forward to getting my copy of the physical CD in the mail because if it’s anything like the first, the letterpressed packaging will be a worthy addition to the ol’ music collection.
[audio: http://thesoundofindie.com/archive/2008/20080903/PJWA-KingsPartII.mp3|titles=Kings Part II|artists=Point Juncture, WA]
Download: Point Juncture, WA – Kings Part II