It’s been about six months since I’ve posted a Jim Ruiz track which is probably a record. The most written about bands on this site must be Unwound, Jim Ruiz, and probably Blonde Redhead. Anyway, a while back someone contacted me to ask me if I had heard the Benito song on the Elefant Records compilation “Montecarlo.” He had a sneaking suspicion that it was a Jim Ruiz track in disguise. I did a little snooping on the internet and found out that it was in fact Jim and Stephanie under a different name. Not only was it a track on Elefant comp, but it also was the very first release from Minnesota’s Grimsey Records.
Download: Benito – Ferrol, Spain
Thanks for keeping this available. Just discovered earlier, elsewhere, the Jim Ruiz-Grimsey connection. Both (the band and the label) are favorites of mine.